Memorandum of Agreement was initiated in February 2021 between DSWD and LGU of San Juan, Batangas in the implementation of Yakap Bayan Program. Present during MOA signing were Hon. Ildebrando D. Salud and DSWD-OIC Lucia S. Almeda. Witnessed by DSWd USec. Anton Hernandez, SB Member Meynard D. Robles and other LGU personnel.


“We embrace drug surrenderers with the goal of transforming them into volunteers, then advocates and eventually leaders in the community and able to implement disaster resiliency and response programs”.

Yakap Bayan Program is a big help in regaining the trust and confidence of community members for Recovering Persons Who Used Drugs (RPWUDs). With the transformative help of the program, RPWUDs, like them, were given the chance to become respected and active members of the community.

The YBP advice the RPWUDs to stay away from all forms of illegal drugs and primarily the youth as the advocacy is focused on the prevention of substance use.

Through the Yakap Bayan Program, DSWD envisions a better nation where the communities are free from the influence of illegal drugs.

Further, DSWD emphasizes that the Yakap Bayan Program provides a transformative chance to the RPWUDs, and also ensures a system of interventions to keep the future generation away from illegal drugs, in line with the vision of a drug-free nation. --- DAF