To promote the welfare of women giving special attention to the prevention of eradicating of exploitation of women in any forms including prostitutions, illegal recruitment as well as promotion of child for employment & self-actualization.







1.    Self-enhancement and Leadership Training – provision of opportunities for the improvement of the women as human being / persons. Seminars lecture on enhancement of their self-image through discoveries & understanding of their potentials & capacities leading to change / acquisition of appropriate values 7 attitude about themselves their families & their environment.

2.    Productivity Skills / Livelihood Development

a.    Provision of opportunities for women acquire gainful occupation/livelihood through practical skills development on dressmaking, meat processing, cosmetology, candle making & basic business management skills training,

b.    Provision of capital assistance P5,000.00 to P10,000.00

c.    Job referral & job counseling

3.    Counseling – to mitigate depressed feelings of women & to strength their social functioning.

4.    Provision of Capital Assistance – for their livelihood projects.

5.    Advocacy to Women Right – conduct of symposia to make women aware of their personal & civil right, roles & responsibilities & liabilities.

6.    Community Participation Skills Development – is mobilization of women for them to be able to relate and interact with other women in the community over common interest and concerns affecting women welfare resulting in community level actions in relation to them.

7.    Counselling – provision of opportunities for women to resolve their own problems of relationship by identifying their strength & weaknesses towards more effective social functioning.


Parent Effectiveness Service (PES) is the provision and expansion of knowledge and skills of parents and caregivers on parenting to be able to respond to parental duties and responsibilities on the areas of early childhood development, behavior, management of younger and older children, husband-wife relationships, prevention of child abuse, health care and other challenges of parenting. It assists parents and parent substitutes to develop and strengthen their child’s growth and development.